Home UNC Science Expo Join us for one of the biggest science celebrations in the state! Every year, Morehead Planetarium and Science Center hosts... North Carolina students become space scientists with GSK Science in the Summer™ News Releases 2024 marks an evolution in Morehead's support of the nationwide STEM education program led by GSK and The Franklin Institute. UNC Science Expo Join us for one of the largest celebrations of science in North Carolina! Generous gift provides new projector for mobile planetarium program News Releases Through a recent gift, Morehead will be able to continue inspiring future generations of curious minds with the purchase of... “One Sky, Many Eyes” provides new perspectives on the cosmos News Releases Witness a new view of the night sky through the perspectives of African American, Central American, and Indigenous legends and... Explore the universe with a new bilingual exhibit News Releases Discover the NEW Sun, Earth, Universe (Sol, Tierra, Universo) exhibit at Morehead Planetarium and Science Center to get the answers... UNC Science Expo Join us for one of the biggest celebrations of science in the state. Check out more than 100 hands-on activities... Skywatching: Perseid Meteor Shower at Dix Park Join staff and volunteers from the Morehead Planetarium and Science Center and Raleigh Astronomy Club to view the Perseid Meteor... Skywatching: Views from The Durham Join us on the roof of The Durham Hotel for a series of telescopic stargazing nights. Stop by for guided constellation tours, educational activities,... Skywatching: Views from The Durham Join us on the roof of The Durham Hotel for a series of telescopic stargazing nights. Stop by for guided constellation tours, educational activities,... Posts navigation < Previous Posts
UNC Science Expo Join us for one of the biggest science celebrations in the state! Every year, Morehead Planetarium and Science Center hosts...
North Carolina students become space scientists with GSK Science in the Summer™ News Releases 2024 marks an evolution in Morehead's support of the nationwide STEM education program led by GSK and The Franklin Institute.
Generous gift provides new projector for mobile planetarium program News Releases Through a recent gift, Morehead will be able to continue inspiring future generations of curious minds with the purchase of...
“One Sky, Many Eyes” provides new perspectives on the cosmos News Releases Witness a new view of the night sky through the perspectives of African American, Central American, and Indigenous legends and...
Explore the universe with a new bilingual exhibit News Releases Discover the NEW Sun, Earth, Universe (Sol, Tierra, Universo) exhibit at Morehead Planetarium and Science Center to get the answers...
UNC Science Expo Join us for one of the biggest celebrations of science in the state. Check out more than 100 hands-on activities...
Skywatching: Perseid Meteor Shower at Dix Park Join staff and volunteers from the Morehead Planetarium and Science Center and Raleigh Astronomy Club to view the Perseid Meteor...
Skywatching: Views from The Durham Join us on the roof of The Durham Hotel for a series of telescopic stargazing nights. Stop by for guided constellation tours, educational activities,...
Skywatching: Views from The Durham Join us on the roof of The Durham Hotel for a series of telescopic stargazing nights. Stop by for guided constellation tours, educational activities,...