Scout Programs

Scout Programs
Morehead Planetarium and Science Center is pleased to offer astronomy programming designed to help scout groups with badgework and other goals.
Programs are held rain or shine. Due to time constraints, weather and the needs of individual scouts, educators may need to make some changes to the workshop, which may affect some badge requirements.
Girl Scouts – NC Coastal Pines
Fees: $60/scout, $30/adult
To Register: Visit the Girl Scouts NC Coastal Pines website.
In this one-of-a-kind adventure, Girl Scouts will explore science in an exciting, engaging environment. You will use telescopes to observe the night sky and play games to learn about our Solar System. Inside the GSK Fulldome Theater, you’ll be guided through the night sky without light pollution and fall asleep under a planetarium sky full of stars! The next morning, you’ll explore other planets in the planetarium; learn about constellations, the Moon and its phases; and take a year-long trip around the Sun in a hands-on activity. I hope you packed enough gear!
This program fulfills the Space Science Adventurer (Brownie) and Space Science Investigator (Junior) badge requirements.
Workshops are 6 pm-10 am.
Session schedules will be released at a later date.
Have you ever wondered where rainbows come from? Maybe we can shed some light on the answer!
In this Girl Scout Workshop, you will explore the science of light and how it relates to astronomy. You will get a close-up view of different colored stars in the night sky using telescopes and learn how to bend white light to make a rainbow. In the planetarium, you will see how lights here on Earth impact the night sky and learn about the entire light spectrum before falling asleep under a planetarium sky full of stars!
This program fulfills the Space Science Researcher (Cadette) badge requirements.
Workshops are 6 pm-10 am.
- Grade levels: Cadettes & Adults GSNCCP Members Only
Laura Lee Davis | Girl Scouts – NC Coastal Pines
Astronomy Workshops
Fees: $16.50/scout, $11/adult
Registration opens approximately 2 months prior to the session and closes the Wednesday before the session at 6 p.m.
Designed for scouts ages 6-9, this program will help scouts learn about our Solar System. Scouts will “travel” through space and into our Milky Way galaxy in the simulated sky of the planetarium, locate and identify celestial bodies with telescopes, learn all about why years and days are different lengths on different planets, and the different types of eclipses that happen on Earth and the Moon.
Recommended for Cub Scouts or equivalent level. This workshop fulfills requirements 1A, 3B, 3F, and 4A of the “Out of This World” Cub Scout module.
Workshops are scheduled 6 pm-8:30 pm.
Session schedules will be released at a later date.
Click “Register Now” above to get tickets.
Designed for scouts ages 10-13, this program will help scouts learn about astronomy as they model our Earth, Moon, and Sun; identify constellations in a simulated night sky; and use telescopes and binoculars to explore the real night sky. Additionally, they will discuss light pollution and learn about how to follow the ecliptic path of the planets in our Solar System.
Recommended for Scouts BSA or equivalent level.
Workshops are scheduled 6 pm-8:30 pm.
Session schedules will be released at a later date.
Click “Register Now” above to get tickets.