Parking Lot Update

The UNC-owned lot in front of our building now has an active parking gate. For more info on the new weekday protocol, visit our Plan A Visit page.

Virtual Teen Science Cafe

E-cigarettes and Vaping – Misconceptions, Health Effects, and Why I Care Our Teen Science Cafe has gone virtual! This week's topic is E-cigarettes and Vaping – Misconceptions, Health Effects, and Why Read more...

MAH | Stellarium Tutorial

Join Morehead educators for a tutorial of Stellarium, a free, open-source planetarium software that shows what you see when you look up into the sky. We'll be using this tool Read more...

MAH | Skywatching for Tonight

This Morehead At Home: Skywatching session will include a journey through the night time sky for Thursday, 4/16/20 including early evening constellations such as Orion (and all of his friends Read more...

Virtual Teen Science Cafe

Life in the times of Covid-19 (coronavirus) Speaker: Joanna Ramirez About Joanna: Joanna Ramirez is the Community Outreach Coordinator for UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center. Her role is to create Read more...