Home 360° Video Premiere: Take Flight Join uniquely-animated brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright for a full-throttle adventure through the history and into the future of aeronautics!... Virtual Teen Science Cafe Life in the times of Covid-19 (coronavirus) Speaker: Joanna Ramirez About Joanna: Joanna Ramirez is the Community Outreach Coordinator for... MAH | Skywatching: “What’s Your Sign?” “What’s Your Sign?” The Constellations of the Zodiac We’ll use planetarium software to identify constellations of the zodiac, learn why... MAH | Skywatching: Vacation Destinations in the Solar System Take a trip of billions of miles with us! Today we’ll go on an imaginary vacation through the solar system,... MAH | Skywatching: How Dark is Your Sky? How Dark is Your Sky? Leo Knows. More than 99% of us in the United States live under light-polluted skies.... MAH | Skywatching: Star Hop with the Big Dipper Learn the skill of star hopping! Discover how to star hop with the Big Dipper and find your way to... MAH | Skywatching for Tonight This Morehead At Home: Skywatching session will include a journey through the night time sky for Thursday, 4/16/20 including early... Virtual Teen Science Cafe A Journey To & Through Med School Speaker: Steve Mow About Steve: Steve is an aspiring doctor studying at the... MAH | Stellarium Tutorial Join Morehead educators for a tutorial of Stellarium, a free, open-source planetarium software that shows what you see when you... Carolina Science Cafe: National Biomechanics Day and the Science of Skipping WE’VE GONE VIRTUAL! We can’t meet in person right now for cafes, but we still want to connect you with... Posts navigation < Previous PostsNewer Posts >
360° Video Premiere: Take Flight Join uniquely-animated brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright for a full-throttle adventure through the history and into the future of aeronautics!...
Virtual Teen Science Cafe Life in the times of Covid-19 (coronavirus) Speaker: Joanna Ramirez About Joanna: Joanna Ramirez is the Community Outreach Coordinator for...
MAH | Skywatching: “What’s Your Sign?” “What’s Your Sign?” The Constellations of the Zodiac We’ll use planetarium software to identify constellations of the zodiac, learn why...
MAH | Skywatching: Vacation Destinations in the Solar System Take a trip of billions of miles with us! Today we’ll go on an imaginary vacation through the solar system,...
MAH | Skywatching: How Dark is Your Sky? How Dark is Your Sky? Leo Knows. More than 99% of us in the United States live under light-polluted skies....
MAH | Skywatching: Star Hop with the Big Dipper Learn the skill of star hopping! Discover how to star hop with the Big Dipper and find your way to...
MAH | Skywatching for Tonight This Morehead At Home: Skywatching session will include a journey through the night time sky for Thursday, 4/16/20 including early...
Virtual Teen Science Cafe A Journey To & Through Med School Speaker: Steve Mow About Steve: Steve is an aspiring doctor studying at the...
MAH | Stellarium Tutorial Join Morehead educators for a tutorial of Stellarium, a free, open-source planetarium software that shows what you see when you...
Carolina Science Cafe: National Biomechanics Day and the Science of Skipping WE’VE GONE VIRTUAL! We can’t meet in person right now for cafes, but we still want to connect you with...