Home MAH | Voyager Forty-three years ago, the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecraft launched from Earth to study the outer solar system. Find... MAH | August Carolina Skies We’ll tour the August sky as it appears from North Carolina and show you how to identify planets and stars... MAH | Perseid Meteor Shower The best summertime meteor shower peaks tonight. Find out what a meteor (“shooting star”) is, what one looks like, and... MAH | Spot the Station Two NASA astronauts are expected to return to Earth from the International Space Station on August 2nd! Find out what... MAH | Early July Carolina Skies We’ll tour the early July sky as it appears from North Carolina and show you how to identify planets and... MAH | The sky is a compass Using only your eyes and a clear sky, you can figure out what direction is what in your own neighborhood.... MAH | Life & death of a star Life and death of a star—in just half an hour Experience billions of years in the life of a star... MAH | Supernova! Massive stars end their lives with a bang! We’ll discuss what a supernova is, show you an easy demo you... MAH | “Where’s Orion?” “Where’s Orion?”: the relationship between the seasons and the sky Why can’t you—or anyone else on our planet—see the constellation... MAH | June Carolina Skies We’ll tour the June sky as it appears from North Carolina and show you how to identify planets and stars... Posts navigation < Previous PostsNewer Posts >
MAH | Voyager Forty-three years ago, the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecraft launched from Earth to study the outer solar system. Find...
MAH | August Carolina Skies We’ll tour the August sky as it appears from North Carolina and show you how to identify planets and stars...
MAH | Perseid Meteor Shower The best summertime meteor shower peaks tonight. Find out what a meteor (“shooting star”) is, what one looks like, and...
MAH | Spot the Station Two NASA astronauts are expected to return to Earth from the International Space Station on August 2nd! Find out what...
MAH | Early July Carolina Skies We’ll tour the early July sky as it appears from North Carolina and show you how to identify planets and...
MAH | The sky is a compass Using only your eyes and a clear sky, you can figure out what direction is what in your own neighborhood....
MAH | Life & death of a star Life and death of a star—in just half an hour Experience billions of years in the life of a star...
MAH | Supernova! Massive stars end their lives with a bang! We’ll discuss what a supernova is, show you an easy demo you...
MAH | “Where’s Orion?” “Where’s Orion?”: the relationship between the seasons and the sky Why can’t you—or anyone else on our planet—see the constellation...
MAH | June Carolina Skies We’ll tour the June sky as it appears from North Carolina and show you how to identify planets and stars...