Parking Lot Update

The parking lot in front of our building is owned and operated by UNC. Until further notice, weekday visitors must pay using ParkMobile (Zone Code 4468) or the Pay Station near our iguana. For more info, go to our Plan A Visit page.

Science On Stage Reservation

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  • Science On Stage Reservation
Please Note

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  1. Please make sure you are requesting a Science On Stage program.
  2. Identify a list of dates that your school is unable to receive a visit from Morehead (teacher workdays, holidays, testing dates, spring break, track-out dates, etc). Morehead educators will use this to determine a tentative visit date for your school. Due to the volume of requests we receive, and our goal of serving as many schools and students across the state as possible, we are rarely able to accommodate a request for a specific visit date. 
  3. Confirm with your school how fees will be paid and provide information on the online request form below.
  4.  Complete and submit the form below with information about your school’s request.

All questions marked with an * are required. 

After clicking “submit”, a confirmation message will load back at the top of the page. Scroll back to the top of the page to see your confirmation message and ensure your form was submitted.